

The NavTech™ technology is based on 12 years of digital radio research and development.  Umbrella Technologies  has developed and successfully tested the NavTech™ advanced inertia GPS navigation system. The system uses multiple satellite links to establish precise and continuous positioning. Further technological explanation will be provided to qualified buyers; contact us for details.

UNET™ – Fly-by-wire

UNET™ – Fly-by-wire

UNET™ is a system of interconnected smart devices working together to provide you with crucial information. This system is fast and scalable to your needs. The most advantageous features of this system are its redundancy, rigid structural integrity and universal flexible foundation. We have developed a series of different application units using PIC’s, TI’s, NEC’s […]

Spacecraft Recovery Systems

Spacecraft Recovery Systems

During the final stages of space craft reentry it is important to have a safe and cost effective process to retrieve the craft without damage or expansion of many resources. UTI has introduced a semiautomatic, inexpensive small object recovery system utilizing unmanned aircraft and automated landing technology.

ULink™ Communications

ULink™ Communications

UTI has been closely involved in the development of a new generation of proprietary digital radio communication devices specifically geared for the aviation industry.  We successfully designed and produced small, form-factor universal radio transmitters that now integrate as a total digital dual-tuning and frequency selector voice and digital stream band for aircraft communications. Our communication […]